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Keto On The Weekend

Keto On The Weekend
By Keto Tito Neil
With any new diet (or in this case, WOE or “way of eating”), it’s always good to prepare yourself and know what you’re getting into! Going on the Ketogenic diet can be quite challenging, so we’ve prepared a few simple ABC’s to help you get started!
First of all, WHAT IS KETO?
The Ketogenic diet is high in fat, moderate in protein and low in carb. To illustrate, let’s talk math. That means 75% of calories from fat, 20% from protein and only 5% from carbs. When you switch from a carb-based diet to a carb-deficit, your body goes through a state of Ketosis where it efficiently burns fat for fuel. This has a whole range of benefits, such as weight loss, body fat reduction, improved mental clarity, increased energy, and many others. Eating healthy fat to burn fat? So cool!
Now let’s dive into the Keto Titos’ ABCs to Get You Keto-Ready!
1. Afraid of FAT? Don’t be! 

We’ve all been taught that eating Fat is bad. Or that Fat makes you FAT. But recent research actually points to sugar and carbs as one of the causes of weight gain and cardiovascular diseases. In fact, research shows that eating a diet of healthy fats can beneficial to lowering cholesterol levels. From now on, (Healthy) Fat is your FRIEND! So what kind of Fat can you eat? Think Butter, Olive Oil, MCT Oil, Nuts, Avocados, Eggs, Cheese, Salmon and more. Boost your fat intake by adding butter or MCT Oil to your coffee or tea. Now, Fat doesn’t feel so dirty anymore does it? 

2. Banish Carbs. Or at least limit it to 20-30g of NET Carbs per day!
Going “cold turkey” on Carbs is the single hardest part of going Keto. We’ve all grown up eating unli-rice, cupcakes and dessert. In fact, our body is hard-wired to crave for carbs and sugar, because our body uses it for glucose. Hello post-lunch carb crash! When you start Keto, you need to force your body out of its carb and sugar craving, and push it towards Ketosis, where it uses fat as an energy source. So absolutely, NO CHEATING. Clean up your pantry. Put away the bread, pasta, potatoes, and rice. It’ll be hard, but you can do it! 
It’s also important to note that most food contain Net Carbs (defined as carb content minus fiber = Net Carbs). When you’re on Keto, you need to limit yourself to 20-30gs of Net Carbs a day. That’s equivalent to ONE Medium Sized Banana. You got that right! Now, put away the bananas, mangoes, and beans too. ;) 

3. Check the Label. Or Check Online. 

If you’ve never been the type to check the labels on the back of packaged food items, now is a good time to start! Always check the sugar and carb content of packaged goods. If you’re in doubt, there are numerous apps and guides online that can help you stay on track. Websites like,, and the MyKeto App (download on the App store) contain a lot of helpful tips on what food is and isn’t Keto-friendly. If you need more info, reach out to us and we’ll be happy to send you infographics to make it even easier!
4. Define your Goal and Track Your Progress. 

It’s always important to set a goal when you’re starting a new diet. Are you doing this for weight loss? Weight maintenance? Or to gain more lean muscle mass? And make your goal specific, i.e. I want to lose 10 lbs or I want to fit back into my skinny jeans! There are different Keto programs that cater to different goals. 
Once you’ve defined your goal, you need to track your progress. Weigh yourself before you start Keto and take a photo. Then track your weight every weekend at the same time every week. 
It’s also important to check if you’re in Ketosis. Use a Keto Test Strip to track your Ketone levels. What’s a Keto Test Strip you ask? It’s pee strip that tests the level of ketones. The deeper the shade of purple, the higher your ketone levels! 

5. Exercise? Go for it! 

People always ask whether they can exercise while on Keto. The answer is YES. After your first day on Keto, we recommend that you go back to your regular exercise routine. You’ll find that despite not eating carbs, you’ll feel even more energetic. That’s the effect of burning Ketones. It’s a cleaner, more efficient energy source. So go ahead. Hit the gym or the spinning studio, go for a run, or head to yoga. And don’t forget to hydrate! 

6. Fight the Keto Flu! 

On your first few days on Keto, you may experience flu-like symptoms, like headaches, light-headedness, stomach cramps, and a feeling of tiredness. This is normal. It’s your body adjusting to a carb-deficit. Stave off the Keto Flu by upping your electrolytes. Try Gatorade Active or buy Oral Hydrates in Mercury Drug. Once your body fully adjusts, you’ll notice a change in your energy levels and a boost in your mental clarity! Now that’s worth slugging it out for! 

7. Got the Munchies? Try these Keto-friendly snacks! 

If you’re feeling hungry during the day, don’t worry, it’s normal. Load up on these Keto-friendly snacks: Nuts (cashews, walnuts); Cheese (brie, camembert, cheddar, cream cheese); Greek Yoghurt (make sure it’s sugar- free!); Chicharon (Yay!); NuGo Stronger Protein Bar (buy it in Healthy Options); and Almond Butter! Craving for something sweet? Go for Stevia! And Dark Chocolate (try Belgian, the brand) is always good! Don’t know what to order at Starbucks? Get a Tall Cold Brew with President’s Heavy Cream! It’s the best! 

8. Hungry for Keto Desserts?
If you're craving for desserts, check out The Sugar-Free Bakery. We love their Keto Almusal bundle, which consists of Keto pandesal (!) and Keto Chocolate Hazelnut Spread (it tastes like Nutella, but sugar-free!). Or try their Signature Keto Molten Lava Muffins or Keto All Nut Cookies! Are you a Milk Tea addict? If you are, then you must try their Seriously Sugar-Free Milk Tea - tastes like real milk tea, without the sinful sugar! 
Now that you know your Keto ABC’s,
are you ready to make your health and fitness transformation? 

The KETO a Fitter You starts here! 

At Ketos of Manila, we’re here to help you become the fittest version of yourself. We know how hard it is to work out and stay in shape, so we’re here to make sure that your dieting is zero-effort. Let us worry about the fats, flavors, meats and macros so you don’t have to! All you have to do is eat! Yum!